Here we go, again. I know y'all are so tired of me coming back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. The "it's been x long since I've written, let me fill you in" has gotten a little old, I know. But while I will explain why I decided to leave and come back, I first want to thank you for sticking with me and supporting me always.
Writing is one of my strongest passions, has been all my life, and when I first created my blog (which was More Issues Than Vogue) I tried too hard to be relatable in fashion or cosmetics to where I thought I was in competition with girls I knew who were actually successful in those fields... so I stopped. Then I got the urge to write again so I created another blog (A Cupcake and Cocktail) in which I was in a very bad place in life and my writings became too dark to continue... though writing was a get-a-way, it also kept me trapped, so I stopped. Finally I decided to create Xoxo, MJ where I wanted to be "real"... but instead I tried too hard to be uplifting and motivating. Though I believe every word I wrote, I didn't take my own advice and live that way and again, I felt in competition with girls that I knew who were successful in their blogs and in their own businesses that I thought "why am I even doing this?". But then I realized, I don't need an audience to write, I don't need to compete because we are all just doing what we know and love... I can support them and still focus on my own writings but I also needed to understand that I have to write about what I want to write about, not what I think others need to hear. That's where I've gone wrong in the past. This time, it's TRULY for me and if I have a few readers, great... if not, great.
That is why I rebranded Xoxo, MJ. I changed the look to who I am, not what I wanted the brand to be.
I split the blog into three sections because I don't need to just focus on one topic when there are so much more topics in my life that I go through and that I love. You will find a deeper description of each one on their page but let me just quickly explain my reasoning.
As you all know, or have read, I was involved in a very serious wreck the first of January 2018 that has caused my life to do a 180, or so it has felt. I truly shut down for a long time, and still have my days, just because I feel as if it has ruined so much of my life because of my pain and suffering along with the on-going battle of mental illness. Though I won't go into too much detail about these topics at the moment, "The Push x MJ" is a section that walks you through my journey and what I've dealt with and will hopefully help others who have gone through the same difficulties.
Another section belongs to "LUX x MJ" which is dedicated to beauty and food. As I've said, I may not be as educated on beauty and fashion than I would like to be or that other bloggers are, but it's a passion of mine and I'm going to tap into that side as much as I possibly can. Food, on the other hand, is something I know and am good at, if I do say so myself.
The last section, and main section, is still Xoxo, MJ that will hold everything else. I can't really tell you what type of topics will be on there because I have no clue and that is the purpose of it. It's anything and everything and it's for me.
Thanks for continuing to be there for me and support me through the absence and difficult times, but I'm glad to be back and focusing on what I love the most. I can't wait to share all of the new and different and exciting things that I have planned!
For more, follow me on Facebook or Instagram @blogsxmj